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SPOON is a team that creates a circle of people and a harmony of nature through the ankle ring of the Black-faced Spoonbill.
At SPOON, we are handing out rings with the motif of the ankle ring of each Black-faced Spoonbill selected by the members.
In addition, we deliver information on the discovery of the Black-faced Spoonbill, information on the discovery of other Black-faced Spoonbills, and articles about the Black-faced Spoonbill. We will also deliver the projects and events you want to do with the members by e-mail or Facebook at any time!

Team SPOONとは

わたしたちTeam SPOONは、クロツラヘラサギが平和に舞う世界を人々が大切に思い、次の世代に受け継いでいく社会の構築を目指して活動しています。

Team SPOONの活動


  • クロツラヘラサギと人をつなぐこと

  • クロツラヘラサギが教えてくれる自然と社会とのつながりを学び、伝えること

  • クロツラヘラサギと人々がともに生きる未来を考え、行動すること​


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